Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Ukulele Course Being Offered
in New Castle, Colorado

Ukulele Class Sign-up - All Ages

Ukulele Included with Pre-paid sign-up
This will be a 12-week course offered in three separate 4-week sections.

Classes offered at New Castle Community Center
423 W Main St, New Castle, CO 81647

Monday afternoons 4:30 - 5:30 in New Castle
Beginning January 9, 2023
Pay per session: $20/session

*Bring your own ukulele - or
*Rent a ukulele for $10 per 4-week session - or
*Purchase a ukulele from class for $25

or PrePay for the whole course: $240 

*Prepay (for 12 sessions) includes a ukulele for student to keep
*$20 Discount if you provide your own ukulele
This course will be taught by a retired certified music educator.
It will teach chords, melody, and basic music theory
utilizing an established ukulele curriculum and simple song literature.
Each successive 4-week session will focus on a basic set of chords 
and technique while adding another song to the repertoire.

Students will have the option to present a group 
performance recital during the final session.
To sign up for or inquire about this class, use the Contact Us form.
Or Contact New Castle Arts and Recreation
(970) 984-3352 ext. 400 -

Offered in conjunction with 
New Castle Arts & Recreation and Alpine Road Music Academy 

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