Wednesday, May 26, 2004

BloG #7: Up And Adam!

  • See below for our Indie Artist Pick!

    We all have tendencies. You've got yours. I've got mine. They have theirs.

    This blog dwells on a tendency that has a tendency to rub people the wrong way if those tendencies between 2 or more people are not compatible. The tendency this blog is dealing with is people's tendency to be a morning person ..... or not.

    Nothing can polarize like the meeting of these two tendencies.

    The morning person tends to, more often than not, go to bed at an earlier hour in the evening. Early to bed, early to rise....The early bird gets the worm....

    The night person has a tendency to stay up a bit later. Bring On The Night.... All Night Long.... I Could've Danced All Night.... When The Night Comes....

    For some reason, people afflicted with one of these tendencies have a tendency to look down upon people afflicted with the other. The other people may actually accomplish more as a person than the original one, but will still be generally considered second class citizens because of their outside the norm tendency. Why is that?

    In today's open minded society, it would seem that social acceptance would be just as easy to come by for either tendency. Not so. There seems to be little tolerence for the person who doesn't sleep at night or rise at the crack of dawn. This is unfortunate because today's society no longer runs strictly on a 9 - 5 structure. We have evolved beyond that lifestyle to where there is a considerable need for people who can work well at later hours.

    Someone walks into work 5 minutes late and gets the business, even though they worked 5 hours beyond the normal work day the previous day - on salary pay (meaning they got no extra pay for those extra hours). What ever happened to the big picture?

    We also travel more than in years past. Guess who gets the shaft on this deal??!?
    Whoever lives furthest west, that's who.

    Let's say you live in Oregon and a couple friends decide to come visit from Vermont. You like to crash around 11pm. So do your friends. There is a problem here. Their body clock is going to send them to the guest bedroom at 8:30 pm, because they are wiped on your time zone. Guess what the morning is going to bring..... That's right. You'll be preparing breakfast in the dark for the early bird who's going after that worm. Your day typically begins at 7 am & your friends slept in until 5:30 am, when they could finally take it no more. They slept in as long as they could. It's already 8:30 at their house & that's too late. We're burning daylight!

    In conclusion: In the name of world peace, can't we all just get along??? Learn to recognize and look beyond our differences. If your friend is a morning person, learn to accept that quirky difference. They're human just like you and shouldn't be looked down upon just because of their inability to sleep beyond the crack o' dawn. Besides, you had to entertain yourself for several hours the night before. The least they could do is show you the same courtesy... and NOT look down their nose at you once you DO arise. Despite what you think about each other, nothing you can say or do will change the other person, so accept the difference and move on.

    Besides, we all know when the entertainment is better.....don't we? ;-)

    JavaMusiK - Piano-Based Instrumentals from Western Slope, CO

  • Starting NEW with this BloG, we'll be featuring an independent artist who we feel deserves our recommended attention.

  • This BloG issue's Indie Artist Pick is Sammi Morelli from Vancouver, Canada.

  • Think Alicia Keys meets Amanda Marshall and you have the powerful vocals and soulful urban pop/rock sound of Sammi Morelli, gift wrapped with classic beauty inside and out. Sammi injects soul and passion into her vocal delivery, and connects completely and convincingly with her lyrics. "I have this incredible passion to do more than sing a song. I want to communicate and move people at a soul level, to dance, cry, feel joy, clap along and to think."

    Sammi has been a featured artist on MTV, has had her music video PERFECT aired on MUCHMUSIC, and her song LET ME BE THE ONE featured on Warner Bros. hit tv series SMALLVILLE. UNLIMITED was the title of her debut album and unlimited is definitely part of the Sammi signature, as she writes the personal empowerment thread through her music. International, and North American performances including Madison Square Gardens in New York City , have seen audiences charged by Sammi's dynamic, entertaining performances where she clearly champions for the happily obsessed, creatively possessed.

  • Sammi is definitely worth a looksee & listen in our opinion here at JavaMusiK! We have found her to be a very supportive member at who happens to have a wonderful voice with a very polished and professional sound. We highly recommend giving 'Masquerade' & 'Invisible' a listen.

    Congratulations Sammi!

  • Sammi Morelli - Urban Pop/Rock from Vancouver, Canada

  • If you are an artist or band who would like to be listed and featured in The JavaMusiK BloG, e-mail us and we will get you listed. All Featured Artist Picks are chosen from FriendZ of JavaMusiK.
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