Given the new spirit of change and re-direction in the air, JavaMusiK is taking this opportunity to roll out a new direction as well.
In response to repeated requests, one of our stated goals has been to release transcriptions of my music compositions as they become available. Recently, this has become a priority that we are working hard to chip away at. When I play live, we always get requests for written versions of the music, so we realize it can help increase our market share considerably, thus improving our bottom line. So, here it is!
Our newest subsidiary is officially being launched to handle the printed works associated with our music. Alpine Road Publishing will primarily be involved in the marketing and distribution of written music transcriptions recorded on JavaMusiK as well as other written works. Presently, two transcriptions are completed and more will be finished soon.
Our publishing is being handled by two online outlets:
1. Alpine Road Publishing at All written works will be available here, as well as recordings of any pieces to be distributed.
2. Alpine Road Publishing at Music transcriptions are written on Sibelius software, so this site hosts the originals directly from the software, as opposed to pdf versions hosted and distributed elsewhere. A free download of Scorch software will need to be downloaded from the site to preview transcriptions.
In retrospect,this brings JavaMusiK into a new and exciting direction. Up to this point, the JavaMusiK umbrella has consisted of:
1. JavaMusiK, which is primarily concerned with the marketing and distribution of the recorded works (and merchandise) of Jeff Van Devender.
2. JMK Ceremony Music, responsible for providing live music for various occasions.
Now, we officially add:
3. Alpine Road Publishing, responsible for marketing & distribution of all written works associated with JavaMusiK &/or and of it's subsidiaries.
Please consider helping support our ventures by purchasing a product. Links to all of our products can be accessed at
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